It’s Halloween! Time for monsters, goblins and jack-o-lanterns! Will you “Bee” too scared?
Scare on the Square is a tradition in downtown LaFayette that was started by local businessman, Joe Stock, over 30 years. Now, even though Joe Stock may be gone, the tradition he began lives on.

Scare on the Square is sponsored by the Bank of LaFayette, the City of LaFayette Main Street / Downtown Development Authority.
Local business owners fill the downtown street on Halloween and give out candy to all the children of the community.
This is a safe alternative from going door to door as you & your friends will load up on all the candy you need during Scare on the Square.
Come out dressed in your Halloween costumes and enjoy the fun!
Scare on the Square will be from 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. The downtown square will be closed to traffic during the event.
A costume contest will be held at 5:00 p.m. at the Downtown Commons for kids through adults.