An Investment in
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
—Coretta Scott King, American Author/Activist/Civil Rights Leader
If you call the City of LaFayette your “Home,” then you’re a reflection of it and “What” we reflect is “Who” we are as a Community.
Invest In the Hive is a Cleanup Campaign designed to educate the public, build relationships within the Community—including private partnerships—as well as encourage a sense of Pride within the area.
As a Community, it’s of utmost importance to take Pride in protecting and preserving our properties. Each step in managing even just one property benefits the Community as a whole.
Investing our time and commitment in maintaining the beauty of our Community, as in “Who” we are, is something we should all agree is fundamental within the city and this includes the health, safety and appearance of our residences, neighborhoods, businesses, industries, and churches.
One of the biggest keys to achieving success is to work with private businesses and/or civic organizations to build partnerships with an effort to clean up the city limits.
Why the Hive?
The City of LaFayette is a small, Northwest Georgia town located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.
In 2017, the City of LaFayette established the Honeybee Festival. An annual festival aimed at creating an event the entire city and its visitors can enjoy and remember for a lifetime. The festival helps the city stand out from the crowd and gives it an identity unto its own. It also educates the public on the importance of honeybees. We need honeybees to exist on planet Earth!
We see the importance of the honeybee population as a parallel to preserving the life of our own Community.
In a Beehive, each Bee has a responsibility to maintain the nest and protect the Queen.
Who is the Queen in our City? It’s the Community. It’s our Citizens, our Family, Friends and Children. It’s our Homes, Businesses and Industries. It’s our Future. It’s Us!
The Hive is where we live, work and play. It’s our collective Home!
One of the key components in achieving any success in the matter is through educating our Community on the varying laws, codes and ordinances within the city.
The knowledge of “What” the city’s ordinances are and the understanding of “Why” is fundamental in maintaining the vibrance and safety of the city.
Code Enforcement is necessary because it protects the community by regulating entities that are breaking the laws and city ordinances.
Code Enforcement inspectors’ mission is to promote and oversee the health, safety and welfare of our residents and visitors by enforcing building codes and issuing building permits within City of LaFayette.
This encompasses zoning restrictions, business sign requirements, subdivision regulations, nuisance abatement, property maintenance and condemnations, as they apply to residential, commercial and industrial.
Code Enforcement inspectors are currently traveling door-to-door in various areas leaving educational material about our varying codes and are encouraging our neighbors to Invest In the Hive.
Are We Home?
A Community is not just one individual. It’s not just one family. It’s not just one socio-economical background. It’s not just one side of the tracks. It’s not just you and it’s not just me. It’s all of us!
We all can affect one another in various ways, because we all collectively call the City of LaFayette our “Home.” Let’s do our part to Honor that “Home” by making the choice to care how we represent our own homes, industries and businesses.
How do you want to reflect?
Because the truth is investing In the Hive is really an Investment in Ourselves!
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