109 N Main St
LaFayette, GA 30728
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Why do we have Code Enforcement?
Code enforcement is one of the many tools used by local governments to support the health, safety, and well-being of the Community.
Every member of our Community is required to follow the laws and ordinances of the city for the collective good of the citizens.
City ordinances are set in place for the sole good of the Community.
Code Enforcement is necessary because it protects the community by regulating entities that are breaking the laws and city ordinances.
Enforcement of a city’s property maintenance codes include addressing blighted properties related to housing, litter, overgrowth, inoperable vehicles on private property, zoning restrictions, business sign requirements, subdivision regulations, nuisance abatement, Illegal dumping and parking, property maintenance and condemnations. All of which apply to residential, commercial and industrial properties.
The importance of maintaining our properties is vital in helping our city to thrive and flourish, both individually and collectively. It saves our properties from being prone to heavy damages caused by irregular maintenance or cleaning processes.
It helps the property owner save money over time by adhering to small, neglected repairs before they become a heavier financial burden in the long term. Regular property maintenance also increases the property’s value.
When a Community collectively decides to engage in property maintenance, the whole Community benefits substantially.
Top 10 Violations
1. High Grass: Chapter 12, Sec. 12-3 (b)

2. Junk Motor Vehicle: Chapter 12, Article III, Sec. 12-36, 12-37

3. Recreational Vehicle Parking: Appendix A, Zoning VI, Sec. 29-60

4. Occupying or Living in an RV: Article VI Sec. 29-60 (b)

5. Littering: Chapter 15, Article I, Sec. 15-12

6. Fence & Walls: Chapter 22, Article IV, Sec. 29-47

7. Landscaping: Chapter 12, Sec. 12-3 (b)

8. Junk: Chapter 12, sec. 12-3 (a)

9. Urban Camping: Chapter 15, Article I, Sec. 15-13

10. Blighted and Derelict Properties: Chapter 6, Article XI, Sec. 6-219, 6-220, and 6-221