207 S. Duke Street
LaFayette, GA 30728
Brenda Snyder, City Clerk: (706) 639-1507
Melissa Stowe, Utility Billing and Payroll: (706) 639-1503
Sonja Cauthen, Occupation Tax Clerk: (706) 639-1509
Gail Wade, Cashier and Property Tax Clerk: (706) 639-1518
Holly Frazier, Accounts Payable Clerk: (706) 639-1506
Jan Shattuck, Administrative Assistant to City Manager: (706) 639-1501
The Queen “Bee” City Team
The Queen City of the Highlands is comprised of a team effort of individuals working together for the citizens. As LaFayette is home to the Honeybee Festival, our “worker bees” have a strong commitment to the City of LaFayette. Each department consists of unique individuals who work to protect the “Queen Bee City” by “bee-ing” positive, “bee-ing” productive and “bee-ing” attentive to the daily operations of the city.
One of the “busiest bees” is the City of LaFayette’s Administration Office.
The Administration Office handles the city’s daily tasks as it oversees all financials within the city and collects utility billings. Each and every department’s financial expenses make its way to the administration office. It’s a matter of checks and balances where every dollar and penny is accounted for to make sure the “Queen Bee City” is running smoothly, responsibly and within budget.
Utility billing
Utility bills are collected at City Hall. Currently, the city has around 9,000 utility customers. Utility bills are distributed in three cycles. Utility customers due dates occur either on the 5th, 15th, or 25th of each month.
City of LaFayette customers can pay their utility bills online by visiting our website. This is a very helpful tool for residents as it will be a means of managing utility bills from a customer’s home or business.
Click here for information on Utility Deposits.pdf
Office Hours, Applications & Contacts
The administrative office and drive-thru window are open Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. An after-hours drop box is also available.
To volunteer to serve on a city board, commission or committee, fill out the community service application on the forms page and return it to the administrative office at City Hall or mail it to City Clerk, LaFayette City Hall, P.O. Box 89, LaFayette, GA, 30728.
To apply for a business license, utility taps or service, or levelized utility billing, print the appropriate form on the forms page and bring it to the administrative office in City Hall.
All City of LaFayette applications are available on the city’s website under the “Forms” section. Applications can be filled out at City Hall, or can be downloaded, filled out and either dropped off at City Hall or emailed, faxed to the city.
A Committed Staff and City Clerk
“We are stewards of the tax payer’s monies,” City Clerk Brenda Snyder said. “I am accountable to every citizen.”
Snyder was appointed City Clerk in 2008 and served as Deputy Clerk 2 years prior. She began her career with the city in 1991. The City Clerk is an appointed position who answers directly to the Mayor and Council. Snyder has served as a member of the Georgia Government Finance Officers Association since 2006.
Snyder sees this appointment as “an honor” and she believes strongly in the Mayor, Council and City Manager.
The City Clerk is responsible for all the minutes in every City Council Meeting. The City Clerk serves in a variety of capacities within the city. Some of these tasks include answering open records request, collection of all new utility customer deposits, handling utility delinquencies, dispensing of business licenses and overseeing the city’s property taxes.
Snyder said she takes being a steward to the city “very, very important” and keeping a respectful, watchful eye on citizen’s money is what she would expect from any city government as she is a resident of the city and a utility customer as well.
Administration has a dedicated and crossed trained team of professionals who also share Snyder’s passion and commitment to the city. “I think we have a great staff. Everyone works well together and is very knowledgeable in what they do for the city,” Snyder said.
Snyder added that she is proud to be a citizen of LaFayette.
“I enjoy living in the city and working for the city. I am proud to be a resident and I’m proud of the things we are doing in the city like the Honeybee Festival. I am proud to be a part of that,” she said. “It’s home.”
Utility tips
• One way to keep a resident’s utilities reduced is to keep an eye on the thermostat. Lowering the thermostat will save citizens money when the weather begins to warm up.
• Some customers who live outside the city limits that receive a city bill for water should note that those costs come from Walker County Water & Sewer. The water is supplied from the city, but the sewerage charge comes from Walker County which is added onto that customer’s city utility bill.
Financial Reports
Visit the TED House Bill 122 website, where you can view annual operating budgets of Georgia cities, counties, and school districts that are one million dollars or above.
For the House Bill 122 website and our Budget and Financial Reports.