207 South Duke Street / LaFayette, GA 30728 / (706) 639-1571
The City of LaFayette is growing in the 21st Century with a “Bee” Positive attitude, where we take P.R.I.D.E. in our community. The Queen City of the Highlands’ economic development is a hive of entrepreneurship, sustainable economic vitality, neighborhood revitalization and community development.
Our P.R.I.D.E. initiative stands for Protect, Revitalize, Invest, Develop and Enjoy and is focused on neighborhood revitalization and vibrancy through planning and hosting downtown events; educating the community about revitalization; capitalizing on the many outdoor activities available in our area; recruiting, retaining and promoting downtown businesses; promoting downtown as a destination for shopping and dining; promoting tourism; promoting the arts through the Georgia Made Georgia Grown initiative; encouraging economic re-investment in downtown through building rehabilitations, restorations and compatible new construction; and coordinating activities with those investing and looking to invest in our community.
How We Grow
Recruiting and retaining businesses and industries is a large part in determining a city’s success. The City of LaFayette strives to make the area as accommodating as possible for all businesses and industries—both new and existing and is especially focused on recruiting and retaining successful entrepreneurs.
The Main Street and Economic Director works with multiple community service boards and service organizations to communicate and facilitate the community’s vision and strategic plan for community development.
The Economic Development Director and Planning Department works closely with the Georgia Department of Economic Development, Walker County Chamber of Commerce, local civic groups and other organizations marketing the city to new businesses and strengthening existing businesses.
The Director also works closely with the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority to assist existing industries with any expansion plans or problems they have regarding financing, training, land acquisition or building.
Industries in the city include Syntec, Unique Fabricating South, Enviro Quip, Shaw Industries Inc. and Roper Corp.—which manufactures ranges—and is one of the largest employers in Walker County.
LaFayette’s Downtown Development Authority, the DDA, works to encourage revitalization and economic growth in the downtown area while the Development Authority, the DAL, works on larger area projects.
The Downtown Development Authority meets monthly at the Federal Building located at 109 N. Main Street in LaFayette, GA. Meetings are held the1st Wednesday of each month at 8:00 am. It is an open meeting and the public is welcome to attend.
The Main Street and Economic Development office is located at the Federal Building.